Stained Glass Tours

Docent tours of our 10 beautiful American stained glass windows are offered by special request. The tour includes a brief history of the church, as well as significant spiritual and artistic facts about the windows. If you are interested in a tour, please contact the church office at 727-894-4661. Tours begin right inside the parking lot (west) entrance of the church (entrance is beside the playground).
We also have a virtual tour available:

Stained-Glass Window Virtual Tour
The Story of the Windows
In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people. John 1:4
Flooding the sanctuary with a mellow, restful light, the beautiful stained-glass windows of St Petersburg First United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, create an atmosphere of lofty solemnity, yet the dominant note is simplicity.
The windows were designed and produced for the sanctuary by one of the oldest and largest American studios, the George Hardy Payne Stained Glass Studio of Paterson, New Jersey. They were installed when the church building was constructed in 1926.
Ten pictorials of Jesus Christ, from His birth to His ascension into heaven, depict the highlights of His life and teaching. Nine windows adorn the east and west walls of the sanctuary; most of these are re-creations of religious paintings. The tenth window, which dominates the south wall, is a re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous mural, The Last Supper.
All ten of these pictorials are in the Tiffany style, unique to American stained glass. They have attained national prominence, and visitors appreciate the beauty of the glasswork and the spiritual messages.
It is our sincere hope that all who see these windows will reflect on their meaning and significance and offer their own prayer of thanks for the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.