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Adult Groups

Brushed Metal

Fellowship Hall

Common Grounds

9:00 AM

Join us for food & fellowship between Sunday Services.


Chad Simonds


Brushed Metal

Room 208 / Zoom


9:30 AM

Bible study of different scriptures & topics.

We are currently studying the Gospel of John with teacher Dr. John Drager.

Click here to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 4579 0997

Passcode: 359826


Gordon Norton


Brushed Metal

Room 301 / Zoom

Promised Land

10:45 AM

Bible & book studies. 

We are doing a “walk through the Bible” -  we're currently in the Old Testament.

Click here to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 4740 7800
Password: 855801


Pat Mason


Brushed Metal

Room 101

The Gap

10:45 AM

Young(ish) Adults is now The Gap!
The Gap is a Sunday School class for adults who are in the busiest, most intense stage of life, juggling the demands of their careers, their relationships, and parenting—both up and down. This is the gap where the chaos of life seems to happen. If you are in that gap, trying to figure out how to live for Jesus while juggling day-to-day demands, then this class is for you. Together, we discover and discuss how to create space for God by turning what we do every day into living life for Christ, serving Jesus through our daily relationships and responsibilities. 

Join us in The Gap! We meet Sundays at 10:45 in Room 101.


Taylor & LeighAnne Cheeseman

Brushed Metal

Room 103 / Zoom


11:00 AM

We are an open discussion class and often take many months to complete a book because we allow for open discussion, leading to many blessings through the insights of others. Our class lessons are biblically based and many class members lead different studies. Our age group is currently mostly 50’s to 70’s but we are open to all ages. 

The Becomers class is currently studying James, using the book “Life Lessons from James” by Max Lucado. 

Please email the contact person for Zoom information.


Judy Ryan


Brushed Metal

Room 212 (Library)

Disciple Makers

11:00 AM

Bible study.

The Disciple Makers class is currently studying the book of Ruth.


Bob Ulrich


Brushed Metal

Room 208


11:00 AM

Book study of contemporary and classic Christian literature. Sojourners is currently discussing the book Cherished Belonging …The healing power of love in divided times by Father Gregory Boyle.


Lynn Feaster & Tom Petit


Brushed Metal

Location varies

United Women in Faith FAST Crowd

11:30 AM
3rd Mondays

Fellowship And Service Together is the theme of the FAST Crowd. This wonderful group of women meets regularly for social outings and service projects in support of various ministries throughout our area. Click for more information.

FAST Crowd breaks for the summer (June-August).


Nancy Fallis


Brushed Metal

Room 208

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

9:30 AM

Sue Allen is leading a Wednesday morning women’s Bible study from 9:30-11 am in Room 208.

The Cross, a Life Guide Bible study by John Stott (meeting through 4/16)

Drawing on John Stott's classic book The Cross of Christ, these studies are designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding of what was accomplished there on our behalf and what it means to live under the cross: for our worship, our call to mission, our ability to love our enemies, and to face the perplexities of suffering.

The study guide includes lessons to be completed independently at home and on Wednesdays, we’ll gather for discussion.  

To reserve a study guide or for more information, contact: Sue Allen ( or 727-418-8155).

Click here to sign up.


Sue Allen


Brushed Metal


Caregiver Support Group

12:00 PM

This group is for anyone who is offering caregiving to a family member or a friend or neighbor. The group is "open" and participants come when needed. We offer emotional support, information about community resources and stories of what has worked for us.  It is a safe place to vent and grieve as we all know the mixture of love and frustrations we live with while caring for others.

Please email the contact person for Zoom information.


Dr. Peggy Reynolds


Brushed Metal

Room 214 (Parlor)

Band of Brothers

6:30 PM

Our focus — get to know Jesus better and grow closer to each other as we grow close to Christ. 

We are journeying through the Gospels, focusing on studying the life and teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are currently studying the Book of Luke.  After Luke, we will go on to Mark, then Matthew.  We try hard to determine during every session… what does it say…what does it mean…and what does it mean to me — a life application?

Click here for more info


Barry Willey

Brushed Metal


Stress Busters

6:30 PM

Stress Busters, with Dr. Jim Meyer (a nationally-recognized expert in relationships and stress management), begins on Wednesday, March 26.

Every single one of us experiences stress!  And we all know too much stress – or managing it in less than healthy ways – can impact our lives.  So, let’s explore together some strategies for how to manage the negative effects of stress, gain some ideas on how to actually reduce our stress levels, and consider how to get the most benefits from the gift of time.


STRESS BUSTERS is part of an ABUNDANT LIVING SERIES.  This series of short programs are designed to help individuals and families get the most out of their lives, so that our lives are filled with meaning, purpose, joy and love.  For Jesus said … “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  (John 10:10b  NRSV).


Jim Meyer is a snowbird from Missouri, who makes St. Pete First UMC his winter home.  Jim is a retired university professor, having taught for over 30 years focusing on family life education and child/family development.  He has been involved in church ministry with youth and families for over 40 years, and is a nationally certified Family Life Educator.   One of his passions is learning (he has an undergraduate degree in Christian education, Masters in Counseling and Child/Family Relationships, and PhD in Human Development and Family Studies).  His other passions are teaching, serving, working with families (along with going to the beach and playing pickleball!).


Dr. Jim Meyer


Brushed Metal


Thursday Men's Study

7:30 AM

Discussion-based book study; Zoom-only for now.

We are currently studying "Simply Jesus" by NT Wright.

Click here to join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 9405 8382

Passcode: 668044


Jim Cohen


Brushed Metal

Room 101

United Women in Faith Deborah Circle

1:00 PM
4th Thursdays

Ladies of the Deborah Circle are a lively group who focus on local and UWF missions and have a speaker or a study to help them in their daily walk with God. A lot of laughter and healthy discussion awaits those who join the fun. Click for more information.

Deborah Circle breaks for the summer (June-August).


Cindy Ripley


Brushed Metal


Women's Journey

6:30 PM

Any female with any kind of life challenge is welcome to join the group. We love and support one another using the 8 principles from the Sermon on the Mount and the 12 steps. Our inclusive program can help with a large number of issues from addictions to anger, low self-esteem, past hurts, and current difficulties. 

We meet at 6:30 PM on Thursdays in the Chapel and open with a time of worship and either a lesson or testimony.  Following, we have an hour of time to confidentially share, without interruption, any current struggles or ESH (experience, strength and hope) that we have gathered along our individual journeys.  We do not tell each other what to do.  We share ideas and possibilities for each to consider.  Throughout all our time together, Christ offers the solutions we need.

Please email the contact person for Zoom information.


Peggy Reynolds


Brushed Metal

Room 214 (Parlor)

Al Anon Family Group

7:30 PM

Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.

Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues for membership.


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St. Petersburg First United Methodist Church
212 3rd Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

© St. Petersburg First United Methodist Church 2024

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