One of the family traditions we have on Christmas morning is to awaken and read the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke 2. Our family has come to know that under the tree great happiness will soon be found in the presents. Whether it be toys, new clothes, an experience purchased…happiness. I get gigged by the family because my happiness is found in picking up all the wrapping paper as it is thrown on the floor. Don’t make fun of me as I know many of you do that too! :-)
One year, as a joke, I gave Patti some coal. It was the first present she opened. Was she happy? If you know her, you already know the answer to my question. Happiness is fleeting, isn’t it? I mean, happiness is interpreted as happy with things or circumstances and when those don’t work out the way you want, well, your happiness is fleeting and it turns to despair.
The Christmas season is a reminder that happiness is not what we search for. Happiness is not found in the manger; but joy is! Joy comes from God and it can’t be stripped away under any circumstance. That is why the Scriptures remind us, “Joy comes every morning!”
— Pastor Bob
