I was speaking with a ministry colleague recently who let me know they were still feeling depleted from a busy Christmas season. She said she just couldn't seem to get things to move forward as she had hoped. Sometimes when we start a New Year it can feel the same way. We have hopes and aspirations but we just aren't sure how to get there. I found when I was a sales professional a mantra to live by: Daily plan your work and work your plan. That made a lot of sense. It made me not just merely think of where I needed to go to make the next sale, it also made me write it down so I could visualize it and make it real. Isn't life the same way? We can dream all we want but sometimes the only way to get there is to write it down.
When the Bible was written it did just that. People wrote down the revelatory word of God and because we can see it daily, we never have to wonder how to get where we need to be or wonder how to succeed. Have you taken time to read God's Word this week?
— Pastor Bob