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Lenten Devotional: February 25, 2024

by Rev. Bob Martin, Senior Pastor 

“The words I say to you I do not speak as from myself; it is the Father, living in me, who is doing the work.” John 14:10

With a world filled with noise, how are we to practice silence in which our word has the power to represent the fullness of God’s silence? We have become so contaminated by our wordy world that we hold to the deceptive opinion that our words are more important than our silence. One of our main problems is that in this chatty society, silence has become a very fearful thing. For most people, silence creates itchiness and nervousness. Many experience silence not as full and rich, but as empty and hollow. For them silence is like a gaping abyss which can swallow them up. Instead of becoming silent in God we take on forms of activity to avoid silence so as to ward off the anxiety it provokes. But, we must learn silence reveals that God is not something to fear but a God of love and when we rest in silence we can encounter the loving Father.


How can you enter a time of silence and experience the richness of life without the distractions of daily noise?


Loving God, may I find the strength to leave the worldly comfort of noise and enter into a time of silence. Remind me it is in the silence where you walk. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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St. Petersburg First United Methodist Church
212 3rd Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

© St. Petersburg First United Methodist Church 2024

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