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Chili Cook-Off 2024 Winners!

People’s Choice

Most Chilified Outfit - Betty Sullivan and Tal Braton | Betty’s Bang Bang Chili

Best Decor - Jimothy McFall/Middle School Guys | Rattlesnake/Wild Bore Chili

Salsa - Joe and Denise Eller | Road Runner Chili

Guacamole - Kendra and Becky Aumack | The Chili You’re Looking For

Cornbread - Tricia Ulrich | All American Turkey

Dessert - Tom Petit

Hottest Chili - Joe and Denise Eller | Road Runner Chili

Vegan Chili/Most multicolored chips voted - Becky Aumack | The Chili You’re Looking For

Over All Favorite Chili - Tie Between:

Mike and Claire Leach | Tamales Touchdown Chili

Jim McFall and the Middle School Guys | Rattlesnake/Wild Bore Chili

Judges Choices

1st Place - Joe and Denise Eller | Road Runner Chili

2nd Place - Betty Sullivan and Tal Braton | Betty’s Bang Bang Chili

3rd Place - Grandma’s Vegan Chili - Gus and Willa Schaefer

Thank you to all who made chili’s and more, thanks to all the judges who ate all 24 chilis, to all you who came out to eat chili, to the many volunteers and staff that helped and for all the many donations. Special thanks to the South Porch Bluegrass Orchestra for the great music. Great night had by all. Thanks for all your support for our Youth Ministry.

There's still time to donate to The WhereHouse Youth Ministry: Click Here


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