Children & Youth: Safety
Safe Sanctuary Guidelines
(children: through grade 6; youth: grades 7-12)
This policy is mandated by the Florida Conference.
Two-Person Rule – No adult should be left alone with a child/youth. There should always be two non-related or co-habitating adults (at least one background checked) present. This ensures safety for the child/youth as well as for the adult.
Bathroom procedure
Elementary age children should always go to the bathroom with a buddy. They should never go by themselves. Background checked adults may walk them to the bathroom and wait outside. They should not go inside the bathroom when children are present.
Middle & high school youth should always have a buddy if they are outside the church.
Supervision – Children/youth must be supervised at all times. Children/youth are not to be left on their own – a background checked adult must be present at all times.
Environment - All doors should have a window in them and all window blinds need to remain open.
Group events – After any group event, the two-persons rule is suspended and a screened adult is responsible for exercising his/her best judgment for the participant’s well-being.
Trips and Retreats Requirements
At least two screened adults
At least one screened adult for each gender participating in overnight event
Permission slip and Emergency Medical slip must be on hand during overnight event/trips
Transportation Requirements
Drivers must be known to designated adult leader.
Driver must be child/youth’s parent, screened adult, or paid staff.
Driver must be at least 18.
Drivers should not use cell phones unless required for communication with other drivers and should not text while driving.
Youth are not to drive for events.
Our playground is designed for preschool aged children.
All children must be supervised.
Elementary children may use the playground when preschool is not in session. They are not to be on any of the rocking toys or the baby swings (these items have weight limits).
Youth (7th grade and up) may supervise younger children only.
Open Campus – Be mindful that our campus is open to the public at all times. Any given day or night there are other outside support groups using our facility. Bathrooms are open for outside people to use, so be aware of this set up.
Outside Groups
All staff are to be notified when there are outside groups staying overnight.
All outside groups who use facilities are expected to respect, implement, and adhere to these provisions at a minimum and should receive in writing our safe sanctuary policies from the office scheduler.
Responding to Allegations
When child abuse is suspected or observed, call the Florida Abuse Hotline 1-800-962-2873
Then call Pastor Bob Martin, (727) 366-7179
Allegations about clergy or pastors are to be reported to the District Superintendent, (727) 585-1207
Staff Contact Information:
Scheduling of facilities: Kendra Aumack
Director of Operations: Craig Wills (building issues)